

So, I know I’m a teensy bit late to the 2019 #goalsgame, but hey! Better late than never AMIRITE?! I have set a number of goals for 2019 and some are definitely going to be challenging, but if I really set my mind to it and believe in myself and WORK HARD towards them, I know I can achieve them. Honestly, just believing in yourself if half the battle. Ok, maybe not half, but definitely counts for something!! 

Let’s jump into it and start with the hardest one first!


The reason this one is going to be the hardest is kind of obvious but when you’re trying to make this your full time job, being on your phone is how you make it happen. And don’t get me wrong, I LOVE engaging with every single person who takes the time to comment or DM me, but I need to recognize when I’m just aimlessly scrolling through IG. I want to be more present when Jon and I are hanging out together because it’s not fair to him. 


Originally I was planning on making my blog live in January (this month), but I had some really good ideas for holiday gifts so I went ahead and published a bunch of gift guides in November and December. Gift guides are great and all, but now as the new year is here, I really want to focus on putting out quality content that you guys want to see! I want to share productivity tips, beauty hacks, affordable fashion finds, and fitness tips and workouts. Also, if you ever want me to review a beauty, fitness, food/kitchen product, let me know!!


I’ve always shied away from reading books because I am such a slow reader, so I think in 2019 I am going to listen to audiobooks each month. I mean, I should have already been doing that since I pay for audible each month *face palm* Each month I would tell myself “Don’t cancel it, you’ll start this month” and I never did. But watch out audible, I’m coming for you in 2019! If anyone has any good book recommendations, I’m all ears! I like more drama/thriller type books, but I’m open to anything! 


This is a big one for me! In 2017 I used to workout about 5-6x a week, an hour at a time, usually a HIIT type workout. But I wasn’t seeing results, so I went to a naturopath who told me to cut the workouts down to 3x a week, 35 mins max. I was of course skeptical as how workout out ½ as much would make me see results, but guess what, it did! I was working out too much for my body and it was storing food as fat. Anyway! Fast forward to now, I have fallen into a rut of not working out enough, funny how that happens huh? My goal for 2019 is 3 beach body workouts a week (upper body, lower body, and full body) and then a 1-2 mile run 1x a week. Who’s with me?!


I am the least flexible person on the plant, I am convinced! I cant even sit with my legs straight without them starting to shake after 5 seconds. It’s pretty awful. So on my “off” days from workout out, I want to stretch for at least 15-20 minutes every single day. 


The one minute rule is something I learned about late last year and I think it is FREAKING genious. Basically, if you can do something in less than 60 seconds, do it right away. An example of this is after I take Penelope for a walk, instead of kicking my shoes off and putting my jacket on the chair, I hang my jacket up and put my shoes in the closet. Boom. Done. Sounds simple… and it is. But it makes your daily pile up of chores SO MUCH LESS throughout the day. Try it out and let me know how you do! 


We all need a little self care and I think it gets overlooked a lot. Sometimes this will mean taking a long bath with candles around me, or sitting down and doing my nails. But it will also be meditating and taking time for myself when I need it.


I want to practice learning to say no in 2019. I’m a yes girl through and through, and I always want to do the most for people, but I have to learn that its OK to say no. I need to start worrying less about the other person, and worrying more about myself. 


Jon and I have did a decent amount of little trips in 2018, most of our trip have been 2-4 days long, but in 2019 I want to take a big trip with him! Somewhere super special like Switzerland (literally top on the bucket list) or Thailand!


Pretty straight forward but I want to do more in the mornings! I’ve been getting better at it throughout 2018, but 2019 is the year in which I’ll officially be a morning person, I can feel it!


Ok maybe this should have been at the top because this seems like one of the harder ones for me. Although I eat pretty clean most of the time, I have a sweet tooth like no other. It’s hard for me to say no to anything sweet if it is in front of me. I love chocolate more than most things in this world, but if theres a will, theres a way! 


This may sound dumb to most people, but if you work from home you know how easy it is to get into a routine of wearing your PJs all day. I know I’m more guilty of it than I would like to admit, but I noticed that the days I get dressed, I get more done and I feel better about myself. If something so simple as to putting on a pair of jeans and a top, or slipping a dress on can make me feel so good, you can count me in! 


Right now I’d say on an organization scale I’m like a B+… if you asked Jon he would probably say a C+ but whatever, this aint about him haha. I want to be more organized across the board


This is a BIG ONE!! Especially when you live in a 600 sq ft apartment with a fiancé and a dog haha. Right now I have a PLETHORA of things and I don’t need this many things! So in 2019 I am vowing to give 1 thing away when I purchase something of that category. Bought a new graphic t shirt at target? Gotta put 1 in the donation box! I think this may be my favorite one because you feel so good when you’re doing it! 

I hope you all liked seeing what my goals were for 2019 and I know that there are a lottttt of goals on this list, but I want 2019 to be the best year yet and I know that it will be if I stick to these goals! I am so blessed for each and every one of you who read this blog and constantly support me, and I cannot wait to grow our little family in 2019! Let me know your goals in the comments below!! 🙂

(2) Comments

  1. Lisa says:

    Very inspiring!!

  2. Deb says:

    You amaze me!…What’s the 60 second thing?

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